Over the last few hours, I’ve had a couple of people ask me about the new /secondary command-line flag that Skype 4.0 for Windows has now.
To be honest, I’d never heard of the flag, but it looks like it’s now possible to run more than one copy of Skype on Windows. Fantastic! A little more digging around and I found [https://developer.skype.com/jira/browse/SPA-597 this bug report] which also talks about /username and /password command-line options too. Neat!
So the question is this: “can I run more than one copy of Skype with the skype4pidgin plugin”. The answer up until now was “only on Linux”, and it would only really work if you ran both the dbus and X11 versions of the plugin. The answer now is “not yet”, since it’s going need a rewrite of things to be able to handle more than one Skype account through the plugin, as well as figuring out a way to target more than one copy of Skype running on Windows.
So I guess it’s just a big “watch this space” 🙂
Thanks for reading!
#1 by Bepy Scacioa on 2010-01-05 - 8:43 pm
Hi, I would ask you if it is possible on Skype for Pidgin plugin on Windows to show when the contacts is typing a new message, as provided by Skype itself. It is a useful function because it helps to understand if the contact is still partecipating on chat. Thank you in advance !
#2 by Aliskaba on 2010-02-13 - 5:52 am
Is there a reason why you can’t make a skype plugin that runs on it’s own? There are so many other applications out there for iPhone, Windows, etc, that have a skype protocol that doesn’t require the actual skype program to be open.
#3 by Eion on 2010-02-13 - 9:00 am
Those other apps have a server which runs Skype for you. Unfortunately I don’t have the time nor financials to be able to host/create a Skype server 🙁
#4 by J.L. on 2010-04-19 - 1:17 am
Hi! skype4pidgin plugin matches as a virus. try checking it at virustotal.com for yourself.. so, is it still to download the latest version?
#5 by Eion on 2010-04-19 - 8:20 am
Nope, unfortunately the installers for the Skype and Facebook plugins get flagged as false positives quite often. There’s an issue for the Skype plugin, and one for the Facebook plugin.
#6 by ilen on 2010-05-05 - 7:10 pm
How about re-using somebody else’s gateway.. EG. how Leecher did with his Skype/Imo.im gateway plugin for Miranda. Infact his code is also is under GPL licensing so hoping its nicely wirtten there could be some code reuse? I understand there would be more limited functionality, and you may need to additionally setup an account on imo.im, but if it means not needing to install skype on my machine, that would be awsome..
#7 by Eion on 2010-05-16 - 2:07 pm
Yep, I’m looking into working with things like skyped or the imo.im gateway. Both very cool projects 🙂
#8 by Lycox on 2010-06-23 - 4:27 am
Did you already red about that? http://developer.skype.com/?cm_mmc=socialm|skypeblogs-_-global|intl|en-_-developer-_-skypekit|announcement
#9 by JonnyBoy6 on 2010-09-30 - 3:47 am
Any news on the development of real multiple login support on Win? I use a personal account and a work account at the same time and that usually causes some problems. Pidgin gets confused, loads one or the other instance, or sometimes none at all. It’s interesting how the information of the Account (accounts.xml) also gets changed when running two instances, from one to the other. Any news on this topic would be good new 🙂